Thursday, July 21, 2011

Book - what to paint???

Back again with an idea.


I love angry birds so how cool would it be to have a angry birds book?!
Crazy i know but I did say it was an idea [sadly for those who know me i will go through with it ;)]

RECAP: Desk Tidy Project

So far i have designed my project(based on a book desk tidy i found on the internet) and have started to mark things out in the workshop. It had to be within the peramiters of 200mm X 250mm (the dimentions of an ipad). My project is 250mm X 175mm.
Being a book i have decided to make the base black, being the book cover, and the pages white. When i am finished i am going to try and see if i can either carefully paint or spray on some words or inspirational sayings using a template. I have had to take a different approch to make this as it is quite difficult but Wardy thinks I can do it, and if it doesn't work out I'll still be happy because i know I gave it my best shot. I am really excited about this project but i am not looking so forward to the oral at the end of the work. Public speaking is not one of my strongest points but it is improving. Saddly i still get nervous speaking in front of the class (even if they are my friends), but since this one is not so formal as english or history i think i will be fine. What i dont understand though is why we are doing a section on deforestation again this term when that was in the last assignment we did. I guess Wardy wants to know more (since he told us himself that we taught him soooo much...).

Any who, everything is going well. I am feeling better this semester so thats a start. Everything has been really positive and i am really happy with my work last semester. I am hoping that i will have the same success this semester.