Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The importance of being exact

Yesterday Wardy went over the importance of being exact after one of the girls was asked to make a circle and she drew it freehand. Lets just say that wardy wasnt happy when he saw this and gave us a lecture about it. " there is only a 1mm tolerence of miscalculation" or something along those lines. some of my project looks a bit crappy even though i measured everything accurately. Oh well. If it doesnt turn out well it isnt a failure because I tried my best and I did happen to pick a rediculousy cazy hard design to make. The fact that i have got this far is good. so if it doesnt work out i cant talk about why it didnt work in my assesment piece, and i could still get an A because of the complexity oif what i have been making and skills required to create it. anywayz, the bell is going to go soon and the lesson is almost over. Until next time...

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