Wednesday, August 10, 2011

my desk tidy update

These images are of my deask tidy as pieces are created and put into place before I glue them down. So far i have made the majority of my project, with the pages left to make. I still have to work out how i am going to make an even shape. I know i have to put the plastic in the oven but i need to find something to bend it on. guess i better think of something over the weekend.

It has been realoly good lately. Even though i missed a week and half of classes due to illness, i am where i wanted to be at this point. There were a few set backs last lesson due to the fact i dropped part of my project and a thin piece of plastic broke off. But to get around this i cut the other off so it was a smooth edge. this way i could remake those parts using scrap material from the beginning of the project when i glued three sheets of white acrylic together.

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